Monday, November 16, 2009

Members Needed For Goregrind Metal Group

Greetings to all those who pass by... I'm William Carey III, my moniker-- Dr. Williams, the lead vocalist and song writer for the Goregrind Metal group Slaughter Hospital. The lyrical themes for this band, as far as me writing lyrics is concerned are as follows: Pathology, Gore, Forensics, Medical Terms, Surgery, Horror, Medical Malpractice, etc. The other staff of Slaughter Hospital are my fellow doctors and medical assistants: Dr. Wendy Boles, and Dr. Tony Song. Our other members John Thorne and Alan Synn left for two reason. John sold all our equipment, even my microphone for money for himself, and Alan, I like the guy and think he's super nice, but he'd rather be looking at chicks on MySpace than be a team player. Wendy is a backing vocalist. We are currently looking for the following to join our group. Please read the want-ad as things have been revised and my friend/singer Paul Wingfield as posted this:

Band Members Needed

Lead Vocalist Bill Carey of the North Carolina Goregrind group Slaughter Hospital is looking for new band members. If you have any questions you can contact him by email which is or by phone at 336-736-8033(home#).
You can also contact associate director/manager Paul Wingfield at 336-621-6448 (home#) or 336-549-4699 (cell #) and also at

The band currently needs the following:
· Key board player
· Bassist
· Lead guitar
· Back up guitarists
· Drummer
· Sound mixer
· Backing vocalists